Modou Lo –Bombardier fight finalised


By Sulayman Bah The long touted bout between Modou Lo and new Senegalese King of Modou Lo –BombardierArena Bombardier has now been formalised. The two have been the subject of intense talks of a proposed fight for quite a while beginning last year. Bomdardier, who dislodged Balla Gaye II to the King of Arena title, was reported to have been playing hard ball demanding higher sums from the promoting agent to accept a fight with Modou Lo. But all is now set for action after Subatel Production brokered an agreement with the two wrestlers with date for the combat billed for June 7 2015 at the Stade Demba Diop. Modou Lo’s last contest was a victory against Eumeu Sene. The man from Pikine club was initially tipped to take on Tapha Tine or seek rematch with Guediwaye’s Balla Gaye, but such suggestions cooled off after he opted to lock horns with Bombardier. His acceptance of Bombardier has not come without derides amid claims largely from critics that he chose the man dubbed B52 in a bid to have an easy go at the arena kingship with Bombardier widely considered a cheap shot to walk over.    ]]>

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