MMA FIGHTING: Gambian Batters Opponent In 9 Seconds


By Sulayman Bah

A Gambian on Saturday had many gob smacked after he humiliated his opponent in just 9 seconds in an MMA duel.

Junior Karanta Fatty, 25, looked deadly on his return to the cage in as many years.

He was initially billed to tackle UK-based fighter Sam Stockdale March this year but the combat was inexplicably canceled.

However, his come back to the cage on Saturday will go down in history as one of the fastest of bouts in the UFC pass-streamed event at the 02 in London after he humbled Adel Ghaddou in less than ten seconds.

The heavyweight descended on Adel, first landing a right hander before unleashing body shots forcing the referee to bring the fight to an end.

Born in Sweden to a Gambian father, Fatty is the sole known Gambian in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA).

About prospect of representing Gambia, he told Foroyaa Sport in an earlier interview from Sweden: ‘At the moment I’m competing for France because my current manager is from Paris. But of course I can represent Gambia or Sweden, it is in my blood.’

The weekend’s event was his second professional win.

A certified vehicle mechanic, Junior opted to take up MMA as his way –a decision influenced by his winning of gold in the Swedish National Championship in 2005.