Minister to Report on Budget Implementation This Week

Finance Minister, Seedy Keita 

By Kebba AF Touray

According to the revised agenda for the first Ordinary Session of the National Assembly in the 2025 Legislative Year, the Ministerial statement on the annual budget has been rescheduled for Tuesday, March 18, 2025.

The statement on the annual budget was initially scheduled to take place on the first day of the current session, slated for 3 March, 2025, but has been pushed to 18 March, 2025.

The Office of the Clerk disclosed this in the revised agenda of the ongoing ordinary session of the National Assembly.

“In accordance with Standing Order 94 (1) the Finance Minister, Seedy Keita, is rescheduled to provide oral Ministerial Statement on the Implementation and Monitoring of the Annual Budget,” it stated. 

After the Ministerial statement on the annual budget, the office also stated that the assembly, in line with standing order 72, is expected to witness the consideration stages of Bills, namely the National Population Bill, 2024 and the National Security Council Bill, 2023.

As stated in the revised approved agenda, these Bills will be tabled by the Vice President, Muhammed BS Jallow.

The Office of the Clerk further indicated that on March 19th there will be questions for Oral Answers by the various Cabinet Ministers, namely Ministers for Fisheries and Water Resources, Lands and Regional Government, Health, Basic and Secondary Education, and Communications and Digital Economy.

“On Thursday 20th March, 2025, is set for the consideration stage of the Bill titled Students Revolving Loan Scheme, by the Minister for Higher Education, in line with Standing Order 72 of the National Assembly,” said the Office of the Clerk.

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