Matarr Jarju Mute on Dissolution of his Leadership


By Sulayman Bah

Matarr Jarju has chosen to remain mute over the recent dissolution of his Gambia Wrestling Association executive.

The Gambia Wrestling Association leadership immediately ceased to exist Wednesday after the National Sports Council, overseers of national Sporting Associations, took the decision to disband the set up.

According to the council, a technical arm of government, Matarr Jarju-led leadership failed to hold an elective congress a month following review of its constitution by stakeholders.

The arena should have opened since October 15th however vigorous calls from stakeholders who accused the Matarr Jarju-led leadership of overstaying their welcome in power, manipulations and other vices, triggered the current standstill.

And sought out for a reaction, Matarr Jarju said he’s got nothing to say and claims he’s unaware of the verdict.

‘I don’t know about it. I have not been told anything,’ he tells Foroyaa Sport.

The NSC is now temporary responsible over affairs of the association until a clear path is paved for election of a new leadership.