MARKET VENDORS URGE GOV’T TO COME TO THEIR AID In the face of the ban on plastic bags


BY Aja Musu Bah Daffeh

Latrikunda Sabiji market vendors have urged the authorities to come to their aid in the face of the total ban on plastic bags. They would like the government to revoke the law against the use of plastic bags which was enacted to pre-empt health and environmental hazards.

Mr Babou Faal, Chairman Market Committee, Latrikunda Sabiji said that 75% of those who sell water using plastic bags earn most of their livelihood from it but when the law was enacted against it, most of them suffered.

He said as a leader of the Market Committee, he received several complaints from vendors that the police do come and ask for money from those who possess plastic bags.

Abdou Camara and Omar Barrow also expressed similar sentiments on revoking the law against the use of plastic bags. They noted that they need someone to help them on the plastic bags because as Gambians they are working in order to develop the nation. They narrated that some small commodities cannot be sold without plastic bags and it is an advantage to their business.

Awa Leigh a fish seller also said the usage of the small plastic bags is of great advantage to them because their fish cannot be sold without ice blocks as it is what they use to freeze their fish. She revealed that all the refrigerators in the fish market are not functioning because they have no plastic bags to freeze ice blocks for fish preservation.

She narrated that to have ice blocks becomes hectic for them and in order not to lose their fishes, “we travel to Katong or Tanji in search of ice blocks.” She called for government’s intervention.

Foroyaa will find out from the National Environment Agency whether any measures have been taken in collaboration with the Ministry of trade to get alternatives to alleviate the effects of the ban on plastics as was envisaged at the time of effecting the ban.