By Mustapha Jallow

Lieutenant Colonel Seedy Joof of the Gambia Armed Forces (GAF), who is residng in Lamin village, was reported to have been picked up by a group of soldiers in uniform who took him away to an unknown destination on Sunday, 15 January, 2017 around 9 pm.

According to Kebba Joof, one of the sons of Lt. Col. Joof, it was while they were at home that a soldier walked in and demanded to talk to his father in prinate. “After talking to the said soldier, we saw our father went inside to inform his wife that the soldiers are taking him away and that he doesn’t know the reason. We contacted the interior minister and reported the incident to him but his response was to ask us the questions ‘who came to pick him up and whether his official vehicle is still at home?’. We explained to him that these were soldiers in uniform and that his vehicle GAF-8 was still at home,’’ he explained.

Kebba, who walked into Foroyaa’s office yesterday, 16 January, in a desperate state, is calling on the authorities to release his father whom he described as the pillar and sole breadwinner of their family.

It is also reported that Lt. Col. Joof was among the officers who were included in recent mass promotion immediately after the election of President-elect Adamam Barrow in December 2016.