Abdoulie G.Dibba

Farmers in Central River Region (CRR) have indicated that there will be a low harvest of cereals, particularly rice, due to the LOW HARVEST OF CEREALS EXPECTED IN CRRflooding caused by the heavy down pour of rain.

Talking to this reporter recently, the said farmers relying on rice fields in  Pacharr  revealed that they are yet  to cultivate a single grain of rice in their fields because of the flooding.

According to them, the heavy down pour has inundated their rice fields thus rendering them uncultivable.
Nyome Baba said the rain water this year is too much and will be negatively impacting on food production in the Pacharr perimeter and thus undermining food security.

This view was endorsed by Aminatta Baldeh, another rice cultivator in the same area, who also called on the Government to help them ensure food security.

Another farmer, Kebba Boye, said the heavy down pour of rain has not only affected lowland rice production but other cereals like maize and early millet.

Mr Boye also called on the Government to come to their aid by declaring food emergency in their area to forestall the eventuality of food insecurity.