Looking for a property for sale, rent and leasing or having one to offer, please contact us.


Looking for a property for sale, rent and leasing or having one to offer, please contact us.Gamhousing Company


Fenced Garden for sale with 500 lime trees, mangoes, gmalina and cashew trees Within greater Banjul Open for negotiations
Plots of land for sale sizes 20 by 25 Mandinary in town 135,000.00
Plots of land for sale sizes 20 by 25 Gunjur in town 65,000.00
Highway Plots of land for sale sizes 20 by 25 Rumba highway in town 125,000.00
Plots of Land for sale in town size 20 by 25 Near Nemakunku football field 355,000.00
Plots of Land for sale in town size 20 by 25 Bijilo in Town 755,000.00
Plots of Land for sale in town size 20 by 30 Wulinkama near Brusubi 600,000.00
3 bedrooms European standard building with additional building for sale Kerr sereign 2,750,550.00
Almost finished 3 bedrooms compound for sale Sanchaba 1,350,000.00 negotiable
Rooms, apartments and full compounds for rent Various Locations Various prices
Highway lands for leasing (various sizes) Various Locations Various prices


  • We help exchange your valuable car for land for you

Contact us on +2203800741/ +2206877710 or Visit our Facebook page www.facebook.com/gamhousingg for some property details and pictures