London Corner Ward Councillor Erects New Street Taps

New Street Taps

By Nelson Manneh

Musa Cham the newly Elected Councilor for London Corner Ward, has erected taps in his ward.

This reporter visited the Ward yesterday August 2nd 2108, and can confirm this from the residents of the Ward who were fetching water from the newly erected street taps.

In his remarks, Cham said this is among the promises made to the electorate in his Ward, during his campaign to get elected as Councillor.

“This project is funded by myself. I use my own funds to make sure that the people of London Corner have access to portable water, at a time when their taps are not functioning in their homes, and am responsible for paying the Bills because we are given a new meter,” he said.

Cham said the street taps were not functioning for a long period, because the Council was supposed to pay NAWEC for their usage.

Musa Cham said at Council level, they have not received any funds yet, to implement such projects; that as an activist and resident of the Ward, he cannot wait for them, because this is an important priority that he can take care with his capacity, for residents of the Ward.

“I have been working on other projects and among them, is the construction of a Local Bridge, holding cleansing exercises and other activities,” he said.

Sally Jallow a resident of the Ward was met by this reporter fetching water from one of the erected taps. Sally said the provision of street taps is enough proof that Musa has come to help them ease their difficulties; that water was part of their main predicaments; that they find it very difficult to get water, when supply to the street taps were cut; but that this is history to them now. She urged the people of London Corner to continue to their support for him as Ward Councilor, because he is ready for development.

Matarr Jallow, another resident, told this reporter, that water is life and Musa has brought it to them.

“We cannot pay this gentleman. His campaign was based on development and how to improve lives and he has done it, by providing life for us,” he said. Matarr urged people to vote for development oriented people.