Local Government Committee Visits Janjangbureh

Dilapidated Janjangbureh abattoir

By Kebba AF Touray, reporting from CRR South 

The Local Government Committee yesterday visited the Governor, Area Council and market in Jangjangbureh CRR South.

Mr. David Gomez of Lands Ministry, stated that the visit is meant to assess the activity report and financial statement of the Councils, as well as their compliance with the GPPA. He also said that it will also avail the Committee the opportunity to determine the State of the Market therein and strategize means of improving service delivery. This he disclosed, required the joint efforts with the concerned stakeholders.

Governor Sulayman Barry, expressed joy over the visit and said it’s important to know how services are rendered, detect the Challenges in order to mitigate them.

“As a nation, we have one mission, that is, to develop the country. This calls for concerted efforts of the citizenry. Tax administration is complicated and requires the services of the competent people. This administration can be effectively achieved in unison and effective work should be well organised and strategized”, he said.

He called for systems to be put in place and must be encouraged to perform alongside with realistic work plan and indications.

“We should look at the root problems of the Councils and jointly solve them. For the country to progress, Local Government should work effectively “, he said.

Visiting the Janjangbureh Area Council, Hon.Sunkary Badgie raised a range of issues concerning the Council, among them the undocumented payment of salaries and Brikamaba car park contract, issuance of fuel to non-Council vehicles, non existence of Internal Audit, adding that this practise is detremental to the Council.

The Management of the Council responded that the rehabilitation of Brikamaba Car Park is worth D500,000, but decried the low payment of car park dues, which inter alia is hampering the delivery of its duties.

The management assured that they will come up with a strategic plan for the betterment of the Council and the electorate. It also assured that the past mistakes will be authenticated and averted.

Chairman Musa Amul Nyassi, reiterated that the engagement is mandatory on the Committee which should be executed without fear or favour and informed the Councils that if there is any irregularity in their reports, the concerned Council will be responsible for authentication.

He maintained that people have negative notion towards the Councils for embezzlement of taxpayers’ money, but argued that with sincerity, transparency and dedication such perceptions can be erased from the minds of the populace.

At the market, vendors, men and women, complained of low standards, worn out structures, poor waste management coupled with bad odour, lack of toilet facilities, insecurity of the market and the dilapidated state of the abattoir as concerns, but expressed that seeing the Committee Members their dream of improving these conditions will soon be realised.

“We reported the matter to the Council severally, but they always reply that they don’t have the means”, said vendors.

The tour continues today at Basse, URR.