Lawmakers Receive First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine


By: Kebba AF Touray

Photo: Ousman Sillah receiving COVID-19 vaccine

Scores of Gambian lawmakers on Tuesday 23rd March 2021 received their first dose of COVID-19 Astrazeneca vaccine at the national assembly in Banjul.

This, as alluded to by the legislators, would encourage the general populace to go in for voluntary vaccine, as they have conducted series of investigations on the vaccine and realized that it is safe and effective in the fight against the COVID-19 disease.

Ousman Sillah, the Chairperson of the National Assembly Select Committee on Health, shortly after receiving his vaccine, said the exercise came as a result of his committee’s team work with the Office of the Clerk.

He said they paired and arranged for the National Assembly Members (NAMs) to take the COVID-19 vaccine at the assembly complex on Tuesday, 23rd March, 2021.

He said NAMs and staff of the assembly, including the chairperson and members of the Health Committee as well as the clerk and staff, came forward and took the first dose of the jab.

Banjul North lawmaker said by voluntarily taking the vaccine, they will demonstrate to the public that the vaccine is safe and efficacious as confirmed by the health care workers and scientists. He said the move also aims to protect themselves against the disease.

“The second dose of the Astrazeneca vaccine taken by the NAMs and Assembly is scheduled for 23 May 2021,” he said.

Saikouba Jarjue, member for Busumbala, told Foroyaa the trust he has for both the assembly and health committee convinced him to take the vaccine. He also said he made consultations about the efficacy of the vaccine and he was convinced that the vaccine is effective in protecting oneself from the disease.

He said during the consultation: “I was also told that countries that have suspended the use of the vaccine are now taking the vaccine and have urged the populace to take the vaccine. I also urge the populace to still continue observing the precautionary measures provided by the WHO and the Health Ministry, so as to protect ourselves against the disease”.

Photo: Suwaibou Touray

Suwaibou Touray, member for Wuli East, said the primary factor that motivated him to take the vaccine is because it will help in the fight against the COVID-19 virus.