KMC’s CEO Says Ongoing Inquiry Positively Changing Councils’ Operations


By Makutu Manneh

Mr Pa Sait Ceesay, Current Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Kanifing Municipal Council, has said the Local Government Commission of Inquiry is changing the way the local councils are operating.

“This commission is changing the dynamics of our work in the Area Councils whether you know it or not,” he said.

Ceesay made this disclosure while testifying before the said Commission of Inquiry as the former CEO of Janjanbureh Area Council.

He added that staff of the councils have been following the proceedings of the commission and learning from it; adding that they have realized their mistakes and they are now correcting themselves.

Witness Ceesay further informed the commissioners that the commission is helping in changing the narratives in the way the councils are operating.

Deputy Lead Counsel, Patrick Gomez asked him if he agrees that they are not accountable to the people, the witness replied “yes.”

He also agreed that they do not follow the laws governing their operations particularly the financial manual and that there were violations in the councils.

Pa Sait Ceesay began working in the Area Councils in 1993 as a Revenue Collector and he has passed through the ranks to Senior Revenue Collector, Accounting Officer, Accounting Assistant and was subsequently promoted to Finance Manager, Finance Director before becoming the CEO.

Ceesay served in various Area Councils including Basse Area Council, Mansakonko Area Council and Janjanbureh Area Council respectively.

Mr Ceesay rose from the rank of messenger, revenue collector to higher ranks like finance manager, finance director and CEO. An Auditor from the National Audit Office and GPPA have testified before the commission giving evidence regarding financial mismanagement, lack of respect for the laws and the governing rules like the financial manual for local governments.

They also discussed in detail many activities in the councils susceptible to corruption and bribery among others. 

The Local Government Commission of Inquiry is conducting a full and impartial investigation of the Local Government Councils from 2018 to January 2023 with a holistic and fair review of the financial and administrative operations of the councils. The commission is to enhance transparency and accountability.