A press release was issued by the KMC that they will embark on an environmental cleaning exercise aimed at removing all impediments from the streets and sidewalks as well as advise compound owners to refrain from throwing materials from throwing their homes to the streets because it pollutes the environment. 

On 27th January, a KMC team commenced the exercise at Old Jeshwang. The exercise entails the removal of solid waste found in the street. Instruction was issued to home owners to remove gravel, sand and other construction materials within 48 hours and the team impose a fine of D1000 on the spot in addition to the notice. The same instructions were given to  roadside mechanics who had derelict vehicles on the street as well as other impediments.

The exercise is expected to continue. 

Foroyaa will ask the council whether they intend to maintain street cleaners who will keep the roads, culvert and sidewalk clean on a daily basis with inspection conducted to ensure that the cleanliness of the environment is maintained on a permanent basis. 

Foroyaa would wish to know whether there would be a team for each ward to ensure a speedy exercise to confront all the environmental challenges and sufficient street cleaners employed to maintain a certain standard of cleanliness of the environment.

It could also be interesting to note whether KMC will continue to collect duties from those selling outside the market environment and whether adequate water and urinals will be provided in the markets.

It will equally be of interest to know how the car parks that are located in the streets are to be handled during the exercise. Foroyaa will continue to monitor the exercise up to its logical conclusion.