Justice Amadi Threatens to Close Sabally’s Case if….


By Amie Sanneh Justice Emmanuel Amadi of the Special Criminal Division of the HighModou Sabally SG Court has threatened to close Momodou Sabally’s case and allow the accused to enter his defence if the prosecutor cannot bring in their witnesses in court.Justice Amadi was addressing the prosecutor yesterday, 20 May, at the High court after the cross examination of the ninth Prosecution Witness (PW9) by the defence counsel in the ongoing trial of Momodou Sabally former Secretary General, Head of the Civil Service and Minister for Presidential. The trial judge said the evidence is hanging as they will start cross examining a witness without completing it. According to him, he is not feeling well but it is because of this case that he is coming. He told the prosecutors that they are taking this case as very simple which, according to him, is not fair. In response, O. Danso, state prosecutor, said they have tried hard and managed to bring one witness in court, noting that it is not easy for them to get their witnesses to come to court. Lawyer Danso told the court that they have two more witnesses to bring. The ninth prosecution witness, in giving her testimony, identified herself as Adama Njie, a resident of Sinchu Alagie. She said she is an Accountant at the Office of the President. She identified the accused person as the former Secretary General. “Can you recall what happened on May 21 2014?” asked state counsel. “Yes,” she responded. Counsel asked, “What happened on the 21 of May 2014?” Adama replied, “I paid him two days per diem in connection with his trip to South Africa. We prepared the payment voucher and I made the payment.” When the prosecution asked her if she will recognize the payment voucher when shown to her, she responded in the positive. It was shown to her and she identified it as the one. The prosecutor then applied for it to be tendered in court which the defence did not object to. The Defence Counsel Gaye, under cross examination, asked PW9 in connection with the payment voucher, on the bottom left hand side of the corner (payment voucher), what is written there. PW9 responded that is the signature of the paying officer. “Is there any signature on top or below the paying officer?” She replied in the negative. “Go towards the middle of the form, what is written there?” asked the defence counsel. “Signature of witness to payment,” she responded. Counsel asked, “Either on top or above, is there any signature there?” She responded in the negative. Counsel asked, “Towards the extreme right, what is written there?” “Signature of payee receiver,” she said. Counsel asked, “And there is the signature of Sabally’s, is it?” “Yes,” she replied. “That is all for the witness, My Lord,” said Lawyer Gaye. Sitting continues today at 2.30pm.]]>

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