By Amie Sillah
At Alhajj Bangaly’s Home
Hadja Jabbou asked the four girls to go and greet their dad. He returned their greetings reluctantly and she asked them to go to bed while she speaks to daddy. Each girl hugged their mum and went to bed.
Alone with her husband Hadja Jabbou protested.
“What kind trick you do me? A get belly for you, we de go clinic and you see you girl- friend and ask me get down for ram, what e-get which a-no get?”
“Many things O! E-go able give me boy pickin which you no able give me and yo no as Muslim man can marry four wife.”
“How you know e-go give you boy pickin? Me no be Allah to give boy or girl pickin a-pray to God for any pickin e-give me and a happy.”
“That nayoubusiness but for me, me concern na boy pickin ago keep searching until a get one or more. A quite sure you belly as usual carry girl pickin.”
Hadja got up and took Alhajj’s brief case inside his room.
Rose and Richie
They read the Bible together and get inspiration from it.The phone rang.
“Take your phone and I can wait for you,” Rose posited.
The Message
“It’s a job interview, the one you’ve applied for through the internet. It’s going to be on Friday, 9a.m.”
“Okay sir!”
Richie looked at Rose questions in his eyes; she laughed at him.
“Have you forgotten? This was the company I asked you to submit your application letter to.”
“But I didn’t.”
Rose laughed again.
“But I did. Go for the interview that job is yours. I have prayed over it.”
“But I’ll not go because I don’t want to ridicule myself to go for an interview where my features, class background or ethnicity is questioned.”
“But there is no harm in trying.” She stooped for him, raised her head and looked hard into his eyes.
“Do it for us.” His heart is melted.
“Yes, I’ll go for us.” He raised her up and gave her a sweet lip kiss.
Girlie Chat
The ‘triplets’are chatting among themselves and trying to make sense of their existence.
“99 days for the thief and 1 day for the master,” Mberry posited as Hamsata concurred.
“Stop dating rich married men, milking them and then dumped them into the cold. You made men slave to your whims and caprices, confused their family, embarrassed and disgraced them. I’ll never date a married man unless if I embrace polygamy and I have not yet done that,” Mberry posited.
“As for me Hamsa, I’ll start with my love and we build up and have a successful marriage life, I believe love in marriage that is why I am still searching for a good character and not for fame or ‘money man’.” The duo clapped for her.
“Philosopher! Well said and may Allah hear and act upon it.”
“Amen O! Amen.”
“I disagree with all of you because I believe in using what you have to get what you want. Look at me in entirety; look at what my Mama gives me. If they fancy this natural body they have to drop and if they do should I be blamed? Please excused me I want to have my snap.”
“Ah ye girl cool down,” Mberry posited.
“We know what you know but just advising you to be careful.”Amsa posited.
“What do you know that I do not know? What are you talking about and who are you to judge me? I am tired and want my snap; I have many places to go to tonight, please get off my way.” She pushed Mberry who stood at the door and went inside their house. She is crossed with them.
Mberry and Hamsata
“She can only tolerate praises and if she is advised it becomes a problem. We better leave her live her life,” Mberry advised.
“No girlfriend! Our people say tell your friend the truth even if he/she resists will remember you at the day of reckoning,” Amsa buttressed her argument. The duo is unhappy with Shasha’s lifestyle.
He entered the house with a straight face.
“What is it, did you get the job?”
“I was not in the mood of seeking for job anymore and you coaxed me into it,” Richie snapped.
“Talk to me, did you go for the interview? Did you get the job?”
“You practically force me, you wrote at first I rejected, you went ahead wrote for me and posted it, look at what has happened?”
“What happened? Are you rejected?” Rose asked.
Richie hesitated and Rose is worried.
“I don’t know what to say. Say I got the job!”
“What!” Rose exclaimed and rushed to Richie who swept her off the floor and whirled around with her in happiness.
“This calls for celebration!” Rose brought out wine which she keeps for such occasion.
“I am so happy for you, I love you baby and you mean everything to me.” Richie gave her sweet lip kiss.
“I thank you Jesus!” Rose prayed.
Hadja Jabbou
She showed Alhajj the scan result.
“Dis na waitin?”
“Nurse gi me na clinic.”
“Waitin e-say?”
“E-say na twins.”
“Two girls again? Nonsense! A-no get you time, a-de go out.” Alhajj left his wife disgusted and disappointed.
“Why e-de punish me so? Am I Allah who gi boy/ girl pickin?” Jabbou asked.
“A-no care! Go away with you army girls.” He called her names and threatened.
“If you gi girl twins again a-go just send you back to village to join the other cargo wives. And I’ll marry fourth wife and e-stay na city.” He left Jabbou in anguish.
She wept bitterly and prayed to Allah to give her boy children to bliss her marriage and make Alhajj value her as a wife and woman.
The doorbell rang.
“Who? Come right in.” When she knew it was Alhajj. He entered and showered her with passionate kisses. Sha kept applying her make-up while Alhajj sat and waited for her. She observed him.
“Honey! You are not in a happy mood; are you displeased with me?”
“Sweet Mango Sha! No O me angel? Me stupid wife Jabbou again pregnant with twin girls, army girls, me sick and tired business everywhere na who that take care when a die? A want boy pickin even one a-fine.”
“Brighten up Sweetie! Why am I Sweet Mango Sha? I’ll give you male children, I know how to get one; all my sisters have male children for their husbands, 2, 4. 6 and 8.”
“You serious? A-go marry you now, now!” He posited. Sha is scared.
“As for marriage you have to give me time.”
“Me people no want pickin out of marriage, be me wife better.”
“Okay, let me think about it,” Sha posited.
“Let go to the room and have fun, who knows what will happen, we can have one outside and many inside.” Sha invited him into her bedroom.
Alhajj laughed hilariously.
“Na idea O! Na idea! If Sweet Mango do it a-go marry am and gi her da world.”
To be Cont.]]>