Joint Press Release By GTU, TFC And Education Ministry


Following a Joint Consultative Meeting held on Saturday, the 10th February 2018, among the Task Force Teachers for Change (TFC), The Gambia’s Teachers Union (GTU), the Honorable Minister and the Permanent Secretary MOBSE in the presence of the Honorable Minister for Higher Education (MOHERST), it has been resolved that the Teachers Sit Down Strike is over and Teachers should report and resume their normal duties based on the following Resolutions:

1        That no teacher will be victimized because of his or her involvement in the Sit Down Strike.

2        That Identity Card for Teachers will be resolved by 31stMay 2018.

3        That MOBSE will endeavor to ensure the timely payment of Double Shift and Hardship Allowance not later than the Month of October.

4        That Administrative issues such as cluster payment of salaries, pay slips, conduct of study classes in public schools, will be looked into with a view to addressing them shortly.

5        That henceforth no Teacher Trainee (TT) will be posted to designated Hardship Zones except on voluntary basis.

6        Given the national budgetary constraints, the inherited poor economic situation and the implications of salary increase at this time for other sectors, salary increment will be looked into in due course.

7        Communication Channels among the stakeholders will hence forth be opened and widen without let or hindrance; thus all teachers are encouraged to channel all their concerns through the GTU and the relevant MOBSE Directorates.

8        The Gambia Teachers Union will henceforth be more proactive in the sensitization of their schools and regional representatives about their roles and functions.


By this press Release, the Task Force for Change calls on all teachers involved in the Sit Down strike to resume classes by Monday 12th February 2018.

Meanwhile, following the above resolutions reached in finding an amicable outcome to the strike situation, the Joint Consultative Meeting wishes to thank the General public for the understanding and the commendable level of restraint shown during the period.

Signed on February 10th 2018 by TFC, GTU and the PS MoBSE.