Janneh Commission Visits State House & Mechanical Workshop


By Mamadou Dem
The ‘Janneh’ Commission yesterday embarked on a site visit to state house in Banjul and other areas for the second time, as part of a fact finding mission in the financial dealings of the former President, Yahya Jammeh, who has been living a luxurious life for the past two decades, before going into self-imposed exile.
The delegation headed by the Chairman of the Commission Sourahata Janneh, included Commission Counsel Amie Bensouda and other members of the Commission. They were received at the State House by the Secretary General Dawda Fadera and the Government’s vehicle controller Nfamara Saidyba. They were taken on a conducted tour to assess the luxury vehicles owned by the former president.

At the state house, over one hundred vehicles including limousines, Rolls Royce and designer vehicles owned by the former president, were invented and parked by the authorities during the political impasse. The delegation visited the Battery Flat Apartment at State House purposely allocated to VIPs during occasions. The apartment has a total of six bedrooms. The delegation also visited the $88 million tent and red carpets.

From state house the delegation proceeded to the temporal State House in Fajara were they assessed the vehicles bought by Jammeh and which is also currently used by President Barrow before proceeding to Futurlec building and Maintenance Service Company (MSC) in Kotu, were 255 vehicles including tractors and buses, were parked for services and maintenance.

According to the Government’s vehicle controller Nfamara Saidyba, 21 vehicles are currently parked at Futurlec building and needs service and maintenance. Saidyba also informed the delegation that by next month, they will embark on a nationwide inventory tour to collect all the tractors and assemble them at one place, since they have authority from the Commission.

Meanwhile the visit to Kanilai by the Commission, was rescheduled to another date.