Jahanka / Kerr Seny Border Yet To Be Demarcated

The area of land in dispute

The village of Jahanka on the Gambian side and the village of Kerr Seny and other sister villages on the Senegalese side have been living peacefully for many years, intermarrying and sharing the same culture and history.

But parts of the cultivated land and forest land between Jahanka and Kerr Seny are in dispute and they have served as a source of tension and conflict between the two communities. This led to the shooting of a villager and threats of further attacks following the alleged killing of a Senegalese in the forest.

The Alkalos of both villages want peace and have called on the authorities of both countries to demarcate the border between the two countries in this area, which they see as a source of conflict. Throughout the dispute they have called for restraint. When the authorities visited the area they did not discuss the demarcation of the border but simply promised to return which has not yet been done.

The point is that the rainy season will soon begin and the villagers would like to cultivate the land. Should they cultivate disputed land and provoke a conflict?

When will the authorities do the demarcation? Needless to say, a single spark can start a bush fire.

Foroyaa will get in touch with the authorities to get their position on the matter.