what has been principally responsible for the political rapprochement between the East and West. Now gas pipelines and all kinds of economic linkages are crisscrossing the geopolitical divide. None of the parties could benefit from severance of economic relationship. Hence the cornerstone of the peaceful co-existence between the East and the West is economic interactions. Russia’s uncritical backing of Assad and its annexation of Crimea confirms that it is being pushed into a state of paranoia. It is also maintaining closer ties with Iran and the current government in Iraq. It appears that Russia’s return to cold war politics is being slowed down by the economic gains it has made from its economic gains from Western markets and financial investments. Hence once this economic bond becomes weakened by sanctions, Russia is likely to adopt cold war postures which could throw the current peace and security architecture into shambles. Syria is in turmoil, Russia has taken the side of Assad. Iran has been isolated by economic sanctions. It will become a natural ally to Russia if they are not removed. They are on the same aid in Iraq. Isolation of Russia at this juncture would again lead to the division in spheres of influence based on sectarian interest. World peace and security would be the casualty for some time to come. It is the people of the world who matter not their governments. The world should be interested in the protection of the people and the people everywhere should take over the world and force their governments to oppose war anywhere and promote peace everywhere. This is the way forward.    ]]>