Is There A New Party?


Foroyaa is constantly bombarded with information of the emergence of one political party or the other. In some cases, online messages are given of the birth of a party or meetings held to give indication of the formation of a political party.

However, investigation had led to findings that parties initially thought to be in existence are not in fact registered by the IEC. It is therefore important to help our readers to know how political parties are formed in the Gambia.

Section 60 of the constitution requires a political party to be registered by the IEC. It reads:

(1)   No association, other than a political party registered  under or pursuant  to an Act of the National  Assembly, shall sponsor  candidates in public elections.

(2)  No association shall be registered or remain registered as a political party if—

(a)     it  is  formed   or  organised  on  an  ethnic,  sectionalreligious or regional  basis;

(b)     its internal organisation  does  not conform  with democratic  principles;


(c)     its purpose  is to subvert  this Constitution or the rule of law.

(3)  An  Act  of  the  National   Assembly  shall  make  provisions  for  the  better implementation of this section.

Foroyaa will find out from the IEC whether they have registered a new political party. Unless the IEC announces the formation of a political party, it is not wise to announce the formation of such a party.