Is The National Council For Civic Education Well Equipped To Perform Its Functions?



Does the National Council for Civic Education have enough vehicles to carry out its constitutional mandate? Does it have to pay GRTS for airtime to carry out its constitutional mandate?

Section 198 of the Constitution makes provision for the establishment of the National Council for Civic Education and section 199 stipulates its functions as follows:

“The functions of the National Council for Civic Education shall be-

(a)    to create  and sustain  within society  an awareness  of the  principles and objectives of this Constitution as the fundamental  law of The Gambia;

(b)      to educate  and  encourage   the  public  to  defend  this  Constitution against all forms of abuse and violence;

(c)      to formulate,  from  time to time, for the consideration  of the Gov­ernment,  programmes  at national and district  levels aimed at realising the objects of this Constitution;

(d)     to formulate,  implement and oversee programmes aimed at inculcating in the citizens of The Gambia awareness  of their civic and fun­damental  rights, duties and responsibilities;

(e)     to educate  the citizens  of The Gambia  about  international, regional and sub-regional  matters relevant to The Gambia; and

(j)     such other functions  as an Act of the National  Assembly  may  prescribe.”

Foroyaa will find out what is impeding the work of NCCE and what in their opinion is required to uplift it.