Is The Government Set For The Forthcoming Groundnut Trade Season?



The rainy season is over and farmers are harvesting their crops. In spite of the intermittent and prolonged dry spells, many farmers who spoke to Foroyaa expect a good harvest.

But many are expressing concerns over the forthcoming groundnut trade season. They are not sure whether they will get a good price and whether cash will be paid on the spot. They also wish the groundnut trade starts early to avert infestation and loss of weight. Some of them say the fulfillment of these conditions will go a long way in dissuading farmers from moving across the border to sell their nuts.

The agreement between the Gambia government and International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC) makes provision for funding for the groundnut trade season amounting to $20 million (about 1 billion dalasi).

Foroyaa will be monitoring discussions on this issue during the president’s nation-wide tour and the groundnut trade season when it commences.