While addressing the WAIFEM weeklong regional course on monetary policy frameworks and analytical tools for monetary policy last year, Dr Paul Mendy, the second Deputy Governor of the Central Bank, informed the gathering that global and domestic factors have pushed headline inflation to 11.7 percent in March 2022.

The Governor of the Central Bank, Mr Buah Saidy, on the other hand, in a statement to the monetary policy committee of the bank, stated that, “Headline inflation rose to 18.4 percent in July 2023, up from 17.8 percent in June 2023.”

It is evident that headline inflation is on the rise.

The Central Bank is concerned about inflation and deals with this matter at every monetary policy committee meeting.

Foroyaa will conduct a research on headline inflation in The Gambia over a span of decades.

For the information of the reader, headline inflation means inflation in the economy as a whole, unlike food inflation which may be higher. For example, in June this year while headline inflation was 17.8 percent food inflation was 24.9 percent.