An interview granted by those who had occupied high posts both in Europe and USA that led them to indicate that Ukraine’s sending of troops into Russia was a bold move without analyzing objectives and implications does not help policy making in addressing a major conflict that is creating a big gulf between Russia and its European Union neighbours.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is an adventure that is  harmful to both Ukraine and Russia in the short and long run. The principle of good neighbourliness has been captured. Ukraine’s intervention in Russia is also an adventure. World intelligence should study the implications of such adventures and derive the right lessons in order to make the right policies.

Russia is a nuclear power and should not engage in war that could ultimately compel it to use its nuclear might. Ukraine is now outgunned and its request for long range weapons to hit Russia would only increase the temptation for Russia to use nuclear weapons. The doctrine of using nuclear weapons should be clear to all.

The fingers of those who control power are always on the button for the use of nuclear weapons when a state faces threat. This is why many people were alarmed by the incursion into Russia by Ukraine . The fact that this did not lead to nuclear catastrophe is either that Russia has changed its nuclear doctrine or does not have one. Hence the announcement by Russia that it will interrogate its nuclear policy should have alerted world intelligence to prevent the type of statements issued by intelligence chiefs from Europe and USA.

The world should be reminded that nuclear war is remote because the use of nuclear weapons defies the objective of war. The objective of war of conquest is to subjugate and exploit those conquered to replenish the resources used in war. A nuclear war makes territories inhabitable.

There is consolation that the country that hosts Nato’s headquarters in Europe would have a leader who called for immediate effort to be made to ensure peace talks to put an end to the Russia-Ukraine war. Escalation is not the answer.