Insults From Party Enthusiasts Should Be Condemned Without Reservation


No one can decide which country one would hail from; which ethnolinguistic group one could originate from. These come through accidents of birth.             

On the other hand, one is free to decide which party on is to join. Each political party is required by Section 60 of the Constitution to be a National institution without any ethnolinguistic distinction.

It reads:

“(2) No association shall be registered or remain registered as a political party if—

(a) it is formed or organised on an ethnic, sectional, religious or regional basis;

(b) its internal organisation does not conform with democratic principles;


(c) its purpose is to subvert this Constitution or the rule of law.”

Hence, if all political parties operate in accordance with the dictates of the Constitution no single member should be entertained who would insult any ethno-linguistic group.

The Gambia belongs to all. We are all equal in sovereignty. The Gambian people are the majority. Each ethnolinguistic group is a minority compared the combined citizens of the Gambia that constitutes the people of the Gambia.

To hate and insult one’s people is the greatest evil a citizen could commit. To love one’s country and people is the greatest virtue a citizen could embrace.

Foroyaa advises all citizens to desist from promoting ethnolinguistic conflict. Rwanda has shown that such conflict ends up in suffering and shame that would be in the history books for ever. Which human being would want to leave such a history behind? Which human being would be proud of ancestors leaving a legacy of evil deeds?