By Mustapha Jallow
Information reaching Foroyaa has indicated that Alhagi Ousman Sawaneh,
the Imam of Kanifing South, was picked up on Sunday, 18 October, 2015 by men in civilian clothes
around 10 am, while leading a team of workers to clear the grass in
the Kanifing Cemetery.When this reporter visited the residence of the Imam in Kanifing South
yesterday, 19 October, to enquire about his whereabouts, he found his
family members sitting there in a state of worry.

However, one of them explained that their father (Imam) left the house
in the morning to go and work in the cemetery and did not return home.
He said they were informed by the community volunteers, who went with
the Imam to the cemetery, that he was picked up and taken away by men
in civilian clothes. He further explained that they also went to the
graveyard to find out but could not found him there.

“We’re really worried about the situation and don’t know what to do
next. We have been trying to call him on his cell phone but the calls
are not getting through as it is switched off,” said the distraught
young man.

Asked whether they have gone anywhere to search for him or report the
matter to the police, he responded that they are yet to do that. “We
don’t know where to go to since his whereabouts is not known yet,” he