IIHT Graduate Students on Hardware Technology


By Nelson Manneh, Makuto Manneh

The Indian Institute of Hardware Technology (IIHT) graduated fifty-three students trained in different hardware technology on Friday January 17th 2020.

The IIHT which has over twenty years of existences and present in more than 25 countries worldwide saw the first badge of students graduate from the Institute after establishing in the year 2019. The students took on different areas of hardware technology training for eight months.

Halifa Sallah, the National Assembly Member for Serrekunda who serve as guest speaker for the occasion spoke on the importance of Education and the opportunities it can provide for those who seek it.

“Section 20 of the Constitution emphasizes that every citizen has the right to educational opportunities and to ensure the realization of that right, basic education must be free and compulsory and must also be available. Secondary education including vocational and technical education must be accessible, available and gradually made to be free,” Sallah said.

Sallah disclosed that when the CEO of IIHT approached him with the interest of building the institution, his primary concern was whether it was purely going to be for profit making only.

“When you want to establish something private that is meant to make profit, you do not normally consider the rights of citizens. But this one is to bring technical education to the doorsteps of those who have the ability but lack the means to acquire such. We must ensure that the means will not prevent the person who is ready to learn. This is the value of citizenship that must be celebrated. Our citizens are coming up and are now ready to add value to our country,” he said.

To the graduates, Sallah said they have entered a field which is now the bases of the next revolution of the world; that partnership between the Gambia and India is a reflection of a partnership that led to the transformation of our continent dominated by colonialists.
“Deceleration of independence is not sufficient. Unless we can educate our citizens to be able to take charge of our destiny, our independence will continue to be meaningless. And this area of technology is an area which the graduates must begin to expand,” he said; that what the CEO of the institution has done is to bring to their doorstep full hardware technology systems for young people to specialize in just like any other profession. He told the stakeholders present institutions of this kind cannot continue to be housed in private premises; that it is the duty of the State to come forward and support the Institution by ensuring that they have land to build the necessary structures. Sallah continued that the state and the institution should develop partnerships in producing both national and international employees.

Ousman Bah, the Chief Executive Officer of the Institute said the graduating students are prepared to compete both national and internationally.

“This institute now has the opportunity to be recognized all over the world,” he said. The CEO of IIHT said there is no bad School in the world; that one needs to work hard in order to achieve his or her goal.

“These outgoing students are fully prepared to pick up jobs in the employment market. They are assets for development and all sectors should give them the opportunity available,” he said. He told the students to take responsibility in their work.

Ran Mohan, Indian representative in the Gambia said technology is what took his country to where it is today. He urged the youth of the Gambia to seize the opportunity and take the country to where they want it to be; that technology is part of the architect of any country.

Pastor Francis Forbes for his part said life is a cycle; that as one can end a cycle, so can one start another.

“By its fruits, you shall know them. People will get to know this institution by your performance,” he said and urged the students to continue their desire to know more.