How To Restore Peace In Manduar


The two sides of Manduar had never been divided. They walked shoulder to shoulder to bring about change in 2016. They have no reason to sow the seed of intolerance. None will derive benefit from it.  All the people need clen drinking water, proper health facilities, and other public amenities. They want their children to learn and serve their families, communities and nation. The conflict that flared up in the village has settled. However, the uneasy peace needs to be given more life support.

Each side should meet and select a group of mediators from its ranks. The mediators should take note of all the grievances of each side before convening a meeting to discuss all the points to come up with a common negotiating position to build consensus.

They should visit the home of the injured person and show empathy and find out how to provide redress and settle matters out of court

 They should also visit the homes of those arrested to show concern and counsel village unity and tolerance.

The group could then meet the Police and the IEC to assure them of the return to normalcy.

All outstanding issues could be solved through dialogue and consultation. The Human Rights Commission and the Alternative Dispute Resolution Agency may be of assistance.