An orderly society requires courts, alternative dispute resolution, bar association and unions aimed at promoting rights and justice as the situation demands. Grievances at The University of The Gambia led to court action, sit down strike by the staff association, petition by students union and coverage by the media to project the various efforts at resolution of the crisis.

The students indicated that they were on the losing side and cautioned that the exams they failed to do because of the crisis in December must be done in January if they are to catch up with the syllabus.

Since students matter, all eyes were on the administration and the staff association to enter into negotiation to resolve the matter the soonest.

Now the counsel of the aggrieved lecturers held a press conference indicating that dialogue is taking place and that they are hopeful in the interim the staff association has suspended its sit down action. There is therefore indication that the students  would not be further disadvantaged by the absence of an agreement to resolve the matter once and for all. Foroyaa will keep the nation posted on developments.