The security sector reform package was designed to give new orientation to members of the security force so that they will have democratic and republican values that would transform them into major protectors of human security of the sovereign people of the Gambia.

Now that reports of coup d’état are floating about it is important to take a look at the efforts made or otherwise in implementing the security reform package. The issue is not simply condemning coup attempts. What is more important is to create an environment conducive for the prevention of such plots.

The four countries that are connected by colonial history are Nigeria , Ghana , Sierra Leone and The Gambia. Nigeria since Abacha has been able to hold periodic elections and is about to hold its election next year without an incumbent participating in the election since President Buhari’s term would expire next year.

Ghana has held period elections since Rawlings and has been successful in even preventing incumbents from taking the helm in an election. Gambia and Sierra Leone cannot afford to take a different trajectory.

We therefore hope that more effort will be made to review the security apparatus of the country with a view to addressing security sector challenges that could lead to actions that threaten state security.