Have The Two Generals Been Charged?


The nation is told that the two generals were wanted but the nation is yet to witness charges and trials for breaking the law of the land. Are they in detention for alleged desertion by going with the ex-president instead of staying after the new president was sworn in or are wanted for other alleged activities?

The mistake of the last government was to arrest people and forget them to rot under detention for lack of any decision on their affair. This is what happens when executive order replaces the order of law. No government on earth is immune to wrong doing. The only way to prevent it is to abide by the rule of law.

We therefore hope that the new dispensation will fundamentally focus on not allowing anyone to stay in detention for more than 72 hours without appearing in court to either be bailed or remanded in custody for lawful purpose. Bail conditions should not prohibit a person from acquiring bail. It is easy to castigate those who have gone wrong but difficult not to repeat their mistakes.