Has the New Government Fulfilled Its Obligation to the ACHPR?


The Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights has empowered the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR) to monitor the human rights situation in African countries. In this regard Article 62 makes it an obligation for African countries to send periodic reports  to the Commission.

Article 62 states: “Each State party shall undertake to submit every two years, from the date the present Charter comes into force, a report on the legislative or other measures taken with a view to giving effects to the rights and freedoms recognized and guaranteed by the present Charter.

So far two reports have been sent. The first report, the initial report (1986 – 1992), was submitted in January 1992 and in January 1994 the first periodic report (1992 – 1994) was submitted. This means that for 22 years since ex-president Jammeh seized power in July 1994 his government has never submitted a report.

When will the new government submit its periodic report?