Hard heartedness or vindictiveness is the mother of all evils


Those who control State’s instrument of violence and other powers over the life of others must temper justice with mercy.

Mercy is not what the victor shows to the vanquished; it is a trait that should be nurtured by both the victor and the vanquished for none of the two is permanent.

The only way to make mercy permanent is to show it when one is strong and when one is weak. In that sense, there will be no impunity and there will be no revenge. Each will seek to do good to the other and magnanimous when one has the advantage.

We therefore hope that all those persons who are in a position to decide the fate of others at any given moment would do so without vindictiveness so that mercy will prevail in our relations.

Foroyaa will continue to emphasise that only those who are just to their opponents would render justice to their allies. Those who deny justice to their opponents will ultimately be isolated by denying justice to their very allies.

This is why the constitution says those who govern must do so without fear or favour, affection or ill will.