GPU Congress Deferred to March Next Year


By Mamadou Dem The Gambia Press Union Congress which was started on Saturday 20 December 2014 at the Senegambia Beach Hotel was discontinued and rescheduled to take place in March next year. As the congress progressed a constitutional matter was raised. The Congress allows only fully paid members to participate and make decisions while most of those in attendance have not paid their subscriptions. In short, according to the constitution, half the membership shall constitute a quorum. It was pointed out since the members who were fully paid were less than half the membership, that there was no quorum and that therefore no valid decision can be made by the congress. It was proposed that the congress be deferred to allow time for it to be properly constituted. This proposal was accepted without dissent. The Secretary General, Mr Gibairu Janneh, proposed that the congress be held in March 2015 and after an exchange of views, the meeting accepted the proposal. It was also agreed that the executive will be reporting on progress at the monthly meetings of the GPU. Members were advised to take ownership of the GPU; that they should always be active and not to wait until congress draws near before they start to think of monthly subscriptions and activity.  ]]>