GPPA Signs E-Procurement Portal with Zig-Teach


By Amadou Manjang / Aja-Musu Bah  

The Gambia Public Procurement Authority (GPPA), yesterday Thursday, 29th December 2022, signed an e-procurement portal and document management system with Zig-Teach Company Limited, which development was funded by the World Bank.

The Director General of GPPA, Phoday M. Jaiteh, said the e-procurement portal and document management system aims to monitor government transactions and contract documents.

“[It’s] the most useful and relevant digital transformation solution,” he said.

Jaiteh said the e-procurement portal is a useful digital transformation of the procurement system in the country. It will optimise supply chain management and simplify complex business processes.

He said the portal will help to reduce costs for the government by saving millions of dalasis spent on overtime works: the government has been spending a lot of revenues on procurements.

 “As an institution we are moving towards the ultimate destination, digital transformation in procurement (e-GP),” he said.

He further said the e-procurement is a “game charger” as it will pave ways for paperless transactions and exchanges in government businesses.     

The proprietress and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Zig-Tech, Fatou Ceesay, said this will resolve the challenges the procurement sectors face.

Madam Ceesay said the portal has created convenience for the people; the public need not to go to GPPA to do procurement transactions; they can do procurement wherever they are.

She also said the portal will reduce corruption and save government revenues normally lost during procurements.

She urged other institutions to engage in digitisation of their sectors for effective and efficient service delivery.