GNOC: SGs turn after presidents’ course


By Sulayman Bah

Secretary Generals of affiliate sporting associations of Olympic House will get their share doze of an administrative course after presidents had their turn.GNOC SGs turn after presidents’ course

The course- a five day training which began November 30th –assemble a number of SGs for an intensive course at the Gambia National Olympic Committee headquarters. The lectures on administrations are being run by Ebou Joof and Lamin Sanneh, accredited Olympic Solidarity course directors.

Olympic Bureau boss urged attendees to top their game describing SGs as backbones of any organisation.

‘Be on top of your job, respect the dictates of your constitution, prepare calendar of activities for your association, keep records and focus on athletes’ development. Even if you have the best Executive committee in place if your Secretary General is inefficient, forget about it, your Association will never perform,’ Dibba, speaking at the opening said.

The course centres on fair play, value and ethics of sports, office holders and their functions, challenges faced by sports administrators, women in sports, leadership, Sports financing, Sports Medicine, Doping amongst others.

Course director Lamin Sanneh while urging participants to be committed, said: ‘You must stay focus and complete the 38 contact hours before you can be certified and we will not comprise that principle’

The course wraps up Friday December 04th, 2015 at 17.00pm at the Olympic House.