Global HOMM Medical Director Raises Concern Over Deprivation Of Property


By Nelson Manneh

The Medical Director and Board Member of the Global Hearts of Medical Mission (GHOMM) has on Sunday, 21 November, 2021 raised concerns over the deprivation of right to property, illegal occupation, forced eviction, unlawful custody, and unlawful State responses regarding their property in Bijilo.

Dr. Gabou Ndapich E. Mendy, Medical Director and Board Member of

Global Hearts of Medical Mission in a press statement he issued on Sunday, 21 November, 2021, said the Executive of Global Hearts of Medical Mission (Global HOMM) unequivocally stand in solidarity with their Country Representative, Nenneh Freda Gomez and staff, Lamin Sey, in their discharge of duties and responsibilities on behalf of the organization.

“The continued unlawful arrests, detention of law abiding citizens is harassment and intimidation.  It is ironic that the High Court just recently (17 November 2021) ruled that the previous arrest and detention of the 3 staff of Global HOMM was unlawful and inconsistent, and violated Section 19 of the 1997 Constitution of The Gambia. Yet here we are again,” he stated.

 The Medical Director and Board Member

Global Hearts of Medical Mission alleged that the legal judgments of their court cases are being disregarded.

“We are being deprived of our constitutional right to property and liberty of our staff, forced eviction, unlawful custody and unlawful State responses,” he decried.

The Medical Director and Board Member of

Global Hearts of Medical Mission calls on the police to unconditionally release the staff of Global HOMM without delay and drop charges, if any.

“We further appeal to the State to observe the rule of law and protection of the rights of Global HOMM, a nongovernmental organization, to continue our humanitarian work in The Gambia,” Dr Mendy concluded.