GCCI Trains Entrepreneurs On Business Development


By Ndey Sowe

A total of 30 young business entrepreneurs, on Tuesday October 23rd 2018, began a five day capacity building training on business development.

The training organized by The Gambia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), in collaboration with the International Labour Organisation (ILO), was held at the GCCI Kerr Jula office along Bertil Harding Highway. The aim of the capacity building training is to strengthen the management skills of young entrepreneurs, with a view to improving their business.

Julie Kazagui, ILO Senior Specialist for employer activities, thanked GCCI for their decision to engage into such ambitious programme, to promote entrepreneurship; that by doing this, GCCI will contribute to the expansion of the country’s economy, through support to the creation and development of dynamic small businesses that are structured and viable, because they meet the standard of a sound management.

According to Kazagui, the initiative is fully consistent with the strategic priorities for Africa identified by the ILO for the next two years, which is coherent and integrated employment creation targeting youth, women, rural and informal economy workers, and to promote entrepreneurship and enterprise development among others.

“ILO has helped to build and strengthen business development service organizations for small and medium-size enterprises in more than 100 countries, through a wide range of tools for business management training and the development of business support services,” she said.

The purpose of the ILO to support GCCI she added, is to enable the organisation to effectively and sustainably deliver Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB) training, and related activities to entrepreneurs; that through participation in the training programme, potential entrepreneurs will be able to start their small businesses while existing entrepreneurs will be able to develop and strengthen their basic management skills for better performance and profitability, while creating jobs in the process.

Sulayman Joof, Manager SM Joof Agency Service Provider, said many young people aspire to do business; but that without the required skills and knowledge, it will be difficult to do business especially within these difficult times. He urged participants to take every step given to them in order to be successful.

“Business is not only about having money and making profit. It is about improving ones skills so that your business could be able to grow in order for you to employ and contribute to national development,” he said; that most businesses in the country can be found in the informal sector, and further said that this is as a result of not having the required skills and knowledge to operate other businesses.

The Director Business Development at GCCI Sarata Conateh, spoke on the significance of the training, noting that they have been in collaboration with the ILO for some time now.