The GCCI Board after consultations with the business community and having met at an Emergency Board meeting convened on Wednesday, December 14th 2016.

The Gambia Chamber of Commerce and industry (GGCI) is non political, non-partisan and non-sectarian organization. The GCCI is a membership based organization representing the interests of all sectors of the economy including stakeholders from Industry, Employers and Agriculture and works in partnership with the GOTG.

The members of the Gambia Chamber of Commerce are gravely concerned and troubled by the current political Impasse following President Jammeh’s rejection of the December 1st Presidential election results. The ongoing political crisis is causing great uncertainty in the business community with adverse consequences to the economy and the nation at large.

We call on President Jammeh to respect the verdict of the December 1st Presidential election announced by the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) Chairman which is a reflection of the will of the Gambian people. In the interest of the nation, we urge the incumbent to preserve the peace and political stability of our nation by accepting the results.

We acknowledge the efforts of the Gambian people, civil society, the international community and in particular ECOWAS in their quest to find a quick and peaceful resolution thereby guaranteeing political and economic stability which is the hall mark of our nation.