GAMWORKS Reports on Status of D417 Million Worth of Contracts 


By Kebba AF Touray

The Director of the Gambia Agency for the Management of Public Works (GAMWORKS), Mr. Omar Gaye, has reported on the status of Delegated Management Contracts (DMCs) delegated to his Agency between 2021 and 2023. 

The said DMCs, which amounted to four hundred and seventeen million Dalasi, were delegated to the Agency by the Government of the Gambia through various Ministries including the Offices of the President and Vice President.

Director Omar Gaye tabled the report before members of the Agency on Monday, 30 January 2025 at the Agency’s Headquarters along Bertil Harding Highway, during its 15th Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Some of the projects they were engaged included the construction of five new health centers, namely Cheesay Majaw and Salikene in the NBR; Jali in the LRR, and Makamang Kunda and Sara Juldeh, in the URR.

“The contract for the above totaled D209 million, and the centers will have medical facilities such as an outpatient clinic, maternity wards, labs, and staff accommodation. All project sites were completed and handed over in 2022,” Mr Gaye said.

On the Gambia Revenue Authority (GRA), Mr. Gaye said the Government signed an addendum to the existing DMC with the Agency in March 2022, for the construction of the GRA’s staff quarters in Mansa Konko in the LRR and an additional floor, which resulted to the extension of the project. He said this particular contract amounted to D16.9 Million, and the project was officially handed over to GRA in October 2024; adding that the Agency was engaged by the Office of the President (OP) to conduct an assessment for the possible rehabilitation and new work at State House grounds. He said that the said project also includes the construction of a multi-purpose sports facility which amounted to D82.2 Million, with the OP requesting an additional work such as the construction of new accommodation for the State House Battalion, amounting to D26.8 Million, including GAMWORKS additional management fees of D1.9 Million.

“Work is progressing well on this project but the client keeps on requesting additional work. However, some structures have already been handed over and are currently operational,” Mr. Gaye said, adding that another project that they implemented was the rehabilitation and refurbishment of the Vice President’s residence. He said the OVP designated the Works Ministry to sign the DMC with GAMWORKS for D61.7 Million, including a management fee of D1.7 million.

“Additional works were requested from the OVP, which resulted in an addendum of D18.7 Million for the DMC, with an additional amount of D1.7 million for GAMWORKS as management fees, totaling D80.3 Million”, he said. He said the Vice President moved into his residence in July 2024, while some external works were being completed, and that the project was officially handed over in October 2024. He continued to add that the D27.9 Million project for the construction and refurbishment of health facilities in five regions was the Health Ministry’s project titled Tranche 2, emphasising that this involves the completion of civil works projects initially contracted and paid for, using COVID-19 funds, but work was at a standstill for years, and the Agency has been identified to complete the work.

“An addendum to the DMC was formulated and signed in July 2024 to formalize the engagement. The DMC amount is D27.9 million, including GAMWORKS management fees of D2.5 million,” Mr. Gaye said, adding that the tender package is almost completed and work is expected to be launched when the Ministry grants approval.

Director Gaye reported that his Agency was engaged by the Health Ministry for the rehabilitation of Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital, the Polyclinic, and the construction of Njau Health Clinic for D2 Million.

“Both facilities are expected to be completed in February 2025, if the funds from the government become available,” he told the convergence.