Gambian Muslims Pray On Different Days With0ut Rumbling

Gambian Muslims, both young and old, fill the local mosque in Sinchu and every available space outside to pray during the first day of Tabaski. Eid al-Adha, or known as Tabaski in West Africa, is also called the Feast of Sacrifice. Celebrated throughout the Muslim world is the second of the two Eid celebrations. During Tabaski every family will buy a goat which will be sacrificed and the meat distributed between the family and friends.

Freedom of religion and belief means the right to practise one’s belief without interference or hindrance.

This is what gives rise to peaceful co-existence. Despite the fact that Gambians prayed on different days all continued to wish each other happy ‘koriteh’ and prayed for each other’s wellbeing. This praying for the wellbeing extends to the larger community to involve non-Muslims.

This is what is expected of  a civilised and democratic society. It is therefore important to pay attention to what is happening in the Middle East today. No one doubts that the Qataris leadership professed to be faithful Muslims. The same goes to the Saudi leadership. What then is the basis of their antagonism? Is it religion or mundane interest?

Those who want all peoples to live in peace should begin to give advice to those leaders whose countries house religious edifices that are visited by millions to try to make their countries the most tolerant and peaceful on earth.