Gambia Registers Ten COVID 19 Related Deaths


By Nelson Manneh

The Gambia has on Wednesday 25th August registered ten (10) COVID-19-related deaths, bringing the total to three hundred and eleven (311).

The newly confirmed deceases age range from 54 – 90 years. Eight (8) had severe COVID-19 pneumonia and were admitted at the COVID 19 treatment centres, whilst two (2) of them, had, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, severe anaemia, Hepatic encephalopathy or Chronic bronchitis as a comorbidity.

The country also registered a total of sixty-three (63) new cases bringing the total number of COVID-19 cases ever registered in the Gambia to nine thousand, five hundred and thirty-three (9,533).

Of the total new cases, thirty-three (33) were males and thirty (30) were females, with a median age of 34 years.

For reasons of testing, 21 tested for travelling, 3 for suspicion of COVID-19, 5 wanted to know COVID 19 status, 2 contacts with a confirmed case, 2 to determine COVID19 related deaths and 30 for unspecified reasons.

This is the 360th national situation report since the confirmation of the first case of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in The Gambia, on the 16th March 2020.

Twenty-seven (27) cases are currently on oxygen therapy.

Five (5) cases were newly discharged from treatment centres, while 56 got discharged at least 10 days from the day they tested positive, but evaded institutional isolation.

Fifteen (15) new contacts were traced and monitored.

As of 23rd August 2021, the following numbers of people have been vaccinated: Janssen & Janssen Vaccine 135,083, Sinopharm (Dose 1: 4,457, Dose 2: 595), AstraZeneca: (Dose 1: 31,254 Dose 2: 13,164).