FPAC Recommends Police to Investigate Missing Vouchers

Hon. Alhagie S. Darboe, Chairperson of FPAC

By Kebba AF Touray

The Finance and Public Accounts Committee of the National Assembly (FPAC) has instructed the Inspector General of the Gambia Police Force to investigate D21 million worth of missing vouchers from the Principal of the Gambia College. 

The Committee assigns this task to the Office of the IGP in its latest update on the execution of the resolutions of the National Assembly on used imprest and the COVID-19 relief funds.

“The Principal of Gambia College must provide to the Auditors on or before 28th September 2023, all missing vouchers amounting to GMD 21 million, failure of which, the Inspector General of Police must launch an investigation immediately and report back to the FPAC within 90 days,” the FPAC resolution indicated.

In another update, FPAC said the Office of the Vice President (OVP) did not provide them with any information on the status of this resolution, adding that the Office of the IGP did not provide the Committee with any update on the status of their resolution.

According to the Committee, the Office of the IGP sent a letter dated 28th October 2024 after engagements with FPAC to the Principal of Gambia College, requesting information and the names of the focal persons involved. 

The Committee also tasked a sister Committee on Regional Government to visit the Brikama Area Council in another resolution by the end of October 2023 and investigate issues related to the new BAC office building.

As reported by FPAC, the Office of the Vice President did not receive any update from the Select Committee on Regional Government on this resolution.

In respect to a resolution regarding the CEO of Janjanbureh Area Council, the Committee also instructed the Office of the IGP to ensure the implementation of the Resolution which states that the CEO of Janjanbureh Area Council must immediately provide all missing vouchers on or before 28th September 2023, failure of which the equivalent amount must be deposited into the accounts of the Janjanbureh Area Council, or the Office of the IGP will launch an investigation immediately and report to FPAC within 90 days.