Foroyaa To Open Up A Column To Battle Deception


The role the media should play in  society is not evident to all. The Media houses are the speakers of the minds and the amplifiers of the voices of all sectors of society. The views people read in newspapers or hear over radio and TV Stations come from people. The quality of the debate in a society depends on the character, level of sincerity and intellectual maturity of those involved in the exercise.

The character, intellectual maturity and sincerity of the Gambian youth are growing but it is being interrupted by those whom they have mistaken to be knowledgeable. They continue to divert their attention from key issues of national importance and focus on trivial issues that are designed to pit the people against each other.

The media is now compelled to open up a column to record and clarify all distortions propagated by those who are bent on sowing confusion and mischief in the social and political landscape in the Gambia.