Foroyaa Has Opened This Column For Political Debate On Divergent Views, A Political Debate That Is Enriching, Enlightening And Free From Insults, That Is Geared Towards Nurturing A New Gambian In Order To Build A New Gambia


Part 1


I have keenly listened to the brilliant Dr. Ismaila Ceesay and Honorable Halifa Sallah in the QTV Viewpoint program. Both panelists made brilliant points but also had said statements and made propositions that require serious introspection and further inquiry. Possibly my next posts will address them.
One of the statements from Halifa Sallah which was a response to Mr. Mboge’s question about the Coalition struck me and I needed it to be clarified. Mr. Sallah said thus:
“I think I will still maintain my spirit until the day when I have the guts to tell the Gambian people the truth.” (31:40 – 32:27 mins of the video)

This response is profound. I do not want to conjecture on what spirit is Mr. sallah maintaining. Thus, I humbly request answers to the following questions:
1. What day is he waiting for to say or do what he is not doing now?
2. What will it take for him to have the guts to tell the Gambian people that truth?
3. What makes him not have the guts now to speak about that truth?
4. In fact, what is that truth?
I raised these questions with the hope that the new column in the Foroyaa Newspaper will be used by Mr. Sallah to clear my doubts.

See the next edition for Mr Sallah’s comments.