By Mustapha Jallow
Mr. Seedy Jaiteh, a former Human Resource Director at Gamtel/Gamcel, is still languishing in detention at the Mile Two prison for 717 days as of today without charge, court appearance or access to his wives and other family members, according to a close source.The source revealed that the former GAMTEL/GAMCEL Human Resource Director was first arrested in November 2010 and detained at the National Intelligence Agency (NIA) headquarters in Banjul before he was arraigned at the high court and later convicted on 20 October 2012. He was said to be released in February 2014 after serving a jail term in Mile Two prison.
Mr. Jaiteh was again arrested at his home in Manjai Kunda on 27 August, 2014, in the late hours of the night and taken to the NIA headquarters in Banjul where he was detained until 3 September, 2014 when he was transferred to Mile Two.
His families, especially his young children, are very much worried about his long and continuous detention and without access to him and are therefore renewing their appeal for the state to release their loved one.
Mr. Jaiteh’s detention without trial or release is in violation of Section 19 Subsection (3) (b) of the constitution of the second republic which states that “Any person who is arrested or detained… who is not released, shall be brought without undue delay before a court and, in any event, within seventy-two hours”.