Farmers Express Delight, But Call for Government’s Intervention


BY: Kebba AF Touray

After a week long drought, Farmers’ hopes start gaining momentum and revival as rains are coming. Foroyaa sounded the views of some farmers and these are what they had to share with the paper.

Lasanna Jawneh, a farmer from Sutukoba expressed delight over the rains that have relegated the week long drought into history. He however expressed concerns over the lack of farm implements, fertilizer and herbicides.

On fertilizer he cited the inadequacy of fertilizer, but swiftly remarked that herbicide is available, adding that it is too expensive. He explained that a sachet of herbicide costs 100(hundred) and is not adequately available. He called on the government to urgently intervene and help farmers with the prerequisite implements and adequate fertilizer and herbicides to improve agricultural productivity.

Bala Camara of Sandu echoed that they faced drought for a week, but noted that they have been having heavy down pour of rains since last Wednesday. He explained that farmers are faced with lack of farm implements, adequate fertilizer and herbicides, which he added will ensure bumper harvest.

 “If farmers are empowered with the needed tools, fertilizer and herbicides, the aim of attaining food self-sufficiency will soon be achieved,” he remarks.

Camara also called on the government to aid farmers with tools, herbicides, but more significantly fertilizer to be able to eradicate hunger in the country.

Nfara Manneh of Dampha Kunda, stated that they are having rains these past four (4) days, which he added is reviving their hopes, after a week long drought. He said this drought has impacted on some crops as they could not properly germinate, which has forced them to embark on massive re-planting.

Manneh echoed lack of fertilizer and farm implements as challenges faced by farmers. He however thanked the government for the reduction in the price of fertilizer, but called for further reduction as most of the farmers are still finding it difficult to afford the cost.

He implored the government to do its utmost in order to put these constraints to the past to ensure good yield come harvest session.