Families In Tears At The Court-Martial: What The Barrow Administration Should Avoid

Arrival of 12 accused

‘Never Again!’ is the watchword. Hence the Barrow administration should not allow itself to be responsible for tears to be shed in a court for offences relating to treason, sedition and other public order offences. Intentions are like wishes. A secure government would not react for declaration of intention that are far fetched and could never become a reality.

Every reasonable person would conclude that if Jammeh and a group of loyalist soldiers could prevent Barrow from assuming office they would not have left the state house without a fight. It would amount to senselessness if one waits until Jammeh is gone and Barrow is seated to try to organise to overthrow Barrow.

The treason trial is now over. The verdict and sentences are already pronounced. The Barrow administration should now intervene to pardon the prisoners in order to prevent any continuation in shedding tears by wives and children. This is the best way forward in promoting national reconciliation.