Extra Ordinary Measures In Extra Ordinary Times


These are extra ordinary times. COVID-19 has confirmed that virus has no respect for the international division of the world into developed and developing countries. It first made its mark in china which is seen to be the fastest growing economy in the world. Extra ordinary measures were taken in China because of the high population of over one billion human beings.

To provide a preventive mechanism to over one billion people is not an ordinary task. In the same vein the virus began to surface in the US and Europe, especially Italy and the United Kingdom where it hit the centre of political power through the infection of its foreign minister. It is a surprise to many why the symptoms have not been detected in Africans who have no connection to China, US or Europe. All the cases in Africa so far can be traced to people coming from places other than the African continent.

COVID-19 is a virus which is being dubbed as a rich person’s virus because of those affected so far. This however is a mistaken notion which ought to be remedied. The virus is slowly creeping into Africa. The Gambia had no reported cases until 17th March 2020. This should alert all Gambians. Each person should take responsibility for containing the virus through increasing personal and environmental cleanliness. In the interim, each must develop the habit of having clean hands. Any sign of coughing, sneezing or cleansing stuffy nose must be contained by tissue paper or handkerchief which must always be kept clean. Any sign of fever should lead to check up at a recognised clinic. Nobody should have fever for more than 24 hours without seeking medical attention. Foroyaa will keep its readers informed of progress in containing the virus through appropriate responses by the people.