By Mustapha Jallow Dealers in cattle and small ruminants who were recently evicted from the Abuko “Daral” have lamented the slowdown in theirDemolished Abuko Daral businesses at their new location. The dealers were evicted from the Abuko “Daral”on 1 June, 2015 following a presidential directive which was executed by personnel of the armed Police Intervention Unit (PIU). They are now stationed within the premises of the abattoir. Meanwhile the “Daral” remains unoccupied and quiet. A visit to the new site yesterday on 9 June, gives a different scenario. The bustling atmosphere of the Daral is absent. The sluggishness of their businesses is the main concern of the dealers. Anxiety, frustration and fear rule the waves. Dealers had earlier claimed that their relocation would result to loss of income and still maintain this position. “To be nearby the highway is better for us than to stay within the premises of the Abattoir because this would have a negative impact on our businesses resulting to loss of earnings as business is very slow at the moment,” the President of the Abuko Daral, Alhaji Kebba Jobe said. He added that they are desperate as business is slow and customers are not coming as they normally do when they were near the highway. He said those most affected are the butchers because they have not yet built their shops to start selling meat. “We’re facing difficulty as well as suffering but that we don’t know where to go but to stay in the premises of the abattoir and manage our earnings. The authorities should have allowed us to stay near the highway where our businesses were moving faster than here,” President Jobe said. Effort was made to speak with the small ruminants dealers but they declined to speak; attempt was also made to meet the manager of the Abattoir but he was indisposed. It could be recalled that some of them claim that their operations have been very helpful to customers as they sell life animals and make meat available, especially when there is high demand during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadam and the feasts of ‘Koriteh’ and ‘Tobaski’. No reason has so far been given for the eviction.]]>